
Of Horses and Men

Deneys Reitz

This is Deneys Reitz’s classic account of his experiences during the Anglo-Boer War, and it is widely believed to have sold more copies than all other books on the war combined.

The subtitle Of Horses and Men was the author’s first title of his book before it was changed to Commando. It also signifies the inclusion in this edition of two chapters from Trekking On, styled (in Reitz’s own words) The Aftermath of War, which describes the author’s post-war exile in Madagascar and his difficult return to South Africa in a poignant, but nevertheless humorous, account of hardship and struggle.

Also available in Afrikaans as Kommando: van Perde en Manne.

978-0-956774-55-2 (English) | 978-0-992201-50-0 (Afrikaans) | Paperback | SA History | 400 pages | R250 

Deneys Reitz was a Boer soldier who fought in the Second Boer War for the South African Republic against the British Empire. After a period of exile in French Madagascar, he returned to South Africa, where he became a lawyer and served as the Deputy Prime Minister.